
Cyber Security

This is an interesting topic with no hard clear answers.

We should all be mindful of security in our computer systems, we hear about hacking stories and data loss in the media all the time. The UK government has backed a couple of certifications to help with these ongoing and dynamic issue’s. It’s called Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus.

Cyber Essentials

Helps you focus on your security, lots of it is common sense security, but you will need help in getting you there and we at DTS can help you. The cost of implementation depends on the size of your organisation and the starting cost for certification is around £400 + VAT per year.

Cyber Essentials Plus

Adds scanning of your network to the mix to ensure no device on your network has any vulnerabilities, it also helps you in the how to keep devices secure etc, again DTS can help you. The cost of implementation can cost for certification is around £2000 to £3000 + VAT per year.

We can also help with IASME Governance and NHS Toolkit standards.

Cyber Security